“Knots and Clay by the sea ” is the name of our latest exhibition . I remember the day when my friend Milena told me about it . I was so thrilled i didn’t know what to say . It was not like leaving our stuff in a store we were actually going to display our work and show it to the world . It was a big deal with short notice . We had just a couple of months to put everything together . Two months where we had to juggle between work ,personal life and finding the time to do what we love but in a much increased pace . It was definitely challenging and very rewarding in the end . Just like creating a beautiful piece of jewelry you start with one idea and in the process you are actually sculpting yourself . I am starting to understand now that art is not just about creating something and searching for followers or now days for as much as possible “likes” . It is about making yourself . You can really physically feel how your soul grows , mind opens , you are becoming more acceptable of your surroundings , calmer , in peace with oneself . So in a way you are falling in an active meditation where first you see physical results a.k.a. what you had just created and with practice you start noticing all the other positive effects .

We want to say BIG Thank you for all the love and support we had received through this months . Thank you for all the people who manage to find time to see us .  Thank you for helping us grow and become better people !

 Here are a couple of pictures from the event . Exhibition is still going till Monday May 16th , Orleans , MA , at Yak Arts Gallery  21 rte 28  . Come say HI ! 🙂


MMcrew on the Cape

Good new everyone 🙂

MMcrew is preparing for a new exhibition witch is going to be in Cape Cod Massachusetts . We are very excited about it ! But most of all we want to show you all of our new creations . We have been trying new techniques , experimenting with different materials . As always it is all about having fun witch we did and we are sure that you are going to have lots of fun on our exhibition .

Get inspired with us today and on the 6th of May in Yak Arts Gallery , Orleans, MA .




Hello new week 🙂 The Arabs have a proverb saying that the way your Monday goes that is how your whole week will be . We are wishing you to have a wonderful day, very productive, energized, creative, active, positive, happy 🙂 Actually may all of your days be like this so you can go to bed satisfied with yourself and wha
t you do and your love ones .
   We are starting the week with a pair of vintage macrame earrings who are going very well with our Spring leaf macrame bracelet . Enjoy and have a good one 🙂




Today is Friday and if it is not the perfect timing to go to your la-la land for the few left working hours than i don’t know what you are doing because i am sure it is not productive work . It’s not your fault it is your mind and body telling you to relax and take a break . To help out MMcrew have a story for you . Enjoy and read responsively 🙂

In the forest , in the far far away meadow , where the trees grow tall and no human can go past those thorny bushes ,creepy shadows , weird noises , cold breeze and random touches by the shoulder well that is where all the forest pixies live. The life of a pixie is not easy . They wake up with the first sun beans shining on their faces , bathing in the morning dew , taking a deep breath from the purest mountain air . And off they go  to help a flower bloom , lift a branch here and there , mend a sick herb , ride on beetles back and help a made stuck on a tree and of course having some fun – jump in puddles , fly around , prank each other .

    But today was not an ordinary day . One of the pixies had decided to prank the old witch living in the oldest tree’s trunk . The pixie blew some yellow dust and made all the flowers around the tree to smell like poop . The witch thought that her cat is using her garden as a litter box again and punished it without a doubt , turning it into a digging beetle . The pixie was beyond having fun, laughing hysterically , rolling on the ground and that is when the witch caught the pixie . She was so mad ! The sky turn grey , the wind swept the meadow , trees were hollowing . With her feet an inch from the ground and eyes unseen the witch cast a spell on the pixies land . They were going to live as always , performing their duties but every time they want to land would find not ground or dirt or grass but poop ! 

It was horrible ! Poor pixies were not able to shower or sleep or do anything as before . Soon flowers started to lose their petals , trees were getting sick and grass was fading away . Things were not looking good . Until it was time to awake the pixie queen . You see she was cocooning . It was this time of the year when she would sleep all day and night , shredding all the impurities she would take on while working among her pixie friends . Nobody wanted to disturb her but situation was going mad out of control . So  next day when the first sun beans touched the ground all the pixies started the traditional song and dance . The queen rose like a blooming flower from a winter sleep only to see the trashed meadow . Needles to say she was furious but with a few precise swings of her wrist everything went to normal . In an instant the witch appeared in front of the queen demanding an explanation why her spell was not working anymore. To apologize from the behalf of all the pixies the queen gave the witch a pixie bracelet . With that bracelet the witch would be able to tell when a pixie had done any work on her garden or any prank around her . This way no body was going to disturb the witch and she would not have to cast any bad spells anymore .

The moral of the story is that you can pick your friends and you can pick your nose but you can’t pick your friends nose or what comes around goes around . Nothing is left unpunished and karma have its mysterious ways to get to you .

Sincerely yours MMcrew Handmade 🙂


A picture of a pixie bracelet  available on


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The most beautiful sea creature

It’s Sunday again 🙂
And you know what time is it – Creativity time ! Nothing better to finish off the week than making something pretty like a new piece of decoration for your living room or learn that new awesome technique that you had had in mind for a while now . Today we got the chance to play with some new fancy polymer clay . It is amazing ,guarantee you are going to love those new octopus tentacles . They are super light , sparkling , warm matte colors will still your heart . I am in love ! My whole being had been lifted from the joy of having those fake gauges . I am so happy that i am going to tell you a little story :

Once upon a time deep in the big blue ocean there was a competition of who would be the most beautiful sea creature . Fishes and crabs , octopuses and whales, corals and lobsters and plenty more came from all different direction . Besides dolphins because they are too busy enjoying life . There was a star fish that shine in the dark to represent the night sky and a crab with a hat , lots of fishes schooling  around ,vibrant and from each color spectrum . All of them create a magnificent fair of fish scales , light reflections , singing and dancing , swirling , bubble making , sand trowing , sea weed dangling . It was mesmerizing ,like you were drunk of the sweetest saltiest wine there is . The judges – an old humpback whale , mid age tortoise , a very low tempered Puffer fish and a squid with appetite of a whale . They had it really tough . By the end of the 2nd day the puffer fish couldn’t take it any more and exploded . After a day of rest it was perfectly fine . By the end of day 3 the judges thought they had seen it all . The contestant were getting tired and irritated . Plus it is hard to compete with your food sometimes  . So on the magical day 3 a huge scandal overtook the fair. Was it because somebody stole Mr. Crab’s hat , or someones fin got missing , or an other got a blue eye instead of a pink one . All the noise and fuss around awaken the from a deep deep sleep the most ancient creature of them all – The giant Octopus queen . She rose in a cloud of sand and sea weed , all of the contestants scattering as fast as possible but not quick enough for her thousand tentacles . She manage to grab the whole crowd in a soft grip . And oh my what a site that was . Even tho she was returning after a couple hundreds years of sleep the queen looked breathtaking . It wasn’t just her colossal size but the shine of her skin , all the beautiful colors running around , swirling and twisting over her body . She was standing still and yet was moving with the speed of a thousand years . Her presents was overwhelming and lots of fishes actually passed out but the one who didn’t got the experience of a life time . The Queen did not speak but everybody felt her intentions . She doesn’t mean any harm and in her ancient ways explain the foolishness of this event . Every creature ,every fish and crab, and snail are unique and beautiful in their own way . We are all different and shine with different light . Respect each other and love one an other like you love your self . Live is too short to be bother with dull competitions witch will feed only someones ego and their already low self esteem . Appreciate and take joy in everybody’s differences .  The queen disappeared in the rays of light living nothing but blissfulness and fulfillment in every single creatures heart . 

Happy Sunday everyone 🙂
MMcrew Handmade


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And here is a link of some pretty fishes 🙂



Dreaming for the summer

Happy April’s fool ! 🙂

March was a weird month , full of ups and downs , sun and snow and mostly longing for the summer . I know we have been blessed with a very mild winter but my bones are cold. My body needs sunshine and salty ocean water, sand between my toes and actually everywhere , would gladly carry it in my shoes and won’t complain about it even a bit . Can’t wait for my pockets to be full of… well not sunshine because i would love to feel it on my pale skin which is in desperate need for some color . And today the 1st of April when sun was suppose to be up high and me wearing a t-shirt it was foggy and rainy. Honestly I call this ”magical” weather. Feels like you are living in a fairytale and imaginary creatures will start popping out from the fog . No , you don’t need to be doped on anything to feel like this. Believe it or not it takes only imagination, creativity and reading some books. Every book is like a different word where the author is taking you and you happily follow . So to total this glorious beginning of the month of April :
– go out side and feel the mist;
– drink some tea slowly;
– think about the past month and what you had accomplish and what not;
– set your goes for this month and just do it instead of talking for a change;
– keep on dreaming and building your most incredible summer ever;

Love MMcrew handmade 🙂


On top of the wave

– Hey Tuesday,you look a little gloomy today. – I said.

– How come ? – answer Tuesday .

-What is that rain all about? – I asked. – It’s there something bothering you?

– Why do you think that there is something wrong with me? – responded Tuesday  -Rain is like a blessing. Waters the flowers and the trees, the Earth and the little seeds so they can grow big and strong. All the little drops fall and create a symphony that only people with open hearts and minds can hear it. That music touches all the fine strings of the soul and elevates all troubles and worries so there can be only peace and happiness. Therefore my friend Rain is happiness. Close your eyes relax and enjoy the most beautiful rainy day – said Tuesday with a soft smile and continue his gaze over the falling drops. As for me , well I did as he said . Hope you will too if you haven’t already 🙂



Some people get wet in the rain other learn how to dance 🙂

Be on top of the wave with MMcrew handmade 🙂



Gypsy Summer reborn

Hello Monday 🙂

What a glorious day ! It’s starting to feel more like spring with every single day. Temperatures are rising and I bet a lot of you guys are starting to hit the gym . Unfortunately I am one of those folks who sais that there is still time till June, right? What is the hurry about? Summer is hot aka you will be hot too and what ever you don’t need your body will sweat it of . Problem solved 🙂  When those awesome days come over you will definitely need the right accessories. We from MM crew handmade are presenting too  you this awesome handmade macrame Gypsy Summer necklace . It’s so colorful, playful and vibrant that it will match all of your clothes and moods , it will brighten your day and with all the great comments you will get from wearing it  will turn into your favorite jewelry ! Let’s start celebrating the upcoming of the warm days together 🙂
